Home Frequently-Asked Questions


When should I see an attorney?

A client may need an attorney if they or their family member are going through a life-changing moment that would permanently affect either their life (e.g., a major accident/wrongful death), liberty (e.g., criminal cases, divorce), or property (e.g., bankruptcy, contracts, wills).

What kinds of cases do you handle?

Our firm covers a wide range of areas of expertise, including Business, Bankruptcy, Intellectual Property, Not-for Profit and Religious Organizations, and Sports Law. Learn more about our practice areas by clicking HERE.

Can you accept cases that are out of your practice areas?

Yes. Our goal is to give legal assistance to every individual who needed it. We are open to discuss your legal matters in order for us to take the next appropriate step.

Do you offer free consultations?

Lawyers provide their time and expertise from the very first moment that they meet their clients. While free consultations are not offered by this firm at this time, clients are assured that Dorna Taylor would help them realize the most viable option available to them, depending on their situation.

How much will it cost me for a consultation?

Our fees depend on a lot of factors, including the nature of your case, as well as the type and the amount of work that it requires. We do charge an hourly rate for our service, which you can inquire about upfront during our initial meeting.

Given the situation, do you do face-to-face consultations with clients?

We want to ensure everyone’s safety, yet there will be instances where a physical meeting would be necessary in order to property give clients the assistance they need. Dorna Taylor is amenable to do initial consultations personally or via online platforms such as Zoom.

Will the information that I share with Dorna Taylor be confidential?

Absolutely. Lawyers are duly-bound to maintain confidentiality with their client’s information, even after their attorney-client relationship has ended. We will never use it without the client’s express consent.

How do I set up an appointment?

You may reach Dorna Taylor via phone or email. Click HERE for more info.